Knee Pain | Early Degeneration of Knee Joint
Do you know the early signs to discover degenerated knee joint that will lead to knee pain?

When degenerated knee joint first starts, there is usually no redness no swelling, no pain while regular walking. However when the following happens, you need to be careful:
Signal 1: no recognizable cause for pain while going upstairs or downstairs.
The knee joint is composed of three bones: upper femur, lower tibia and middle patella. When walking on flat ground, body weight conducts mainly from femur to tibia, the patella carries little weight and no sense of pain. When going upstairs or downstairs, the patella has to overcome more body weight and motion impact, repetitively flexes and the end much more weight falls on patella and increases the wear and tear.
There is smooth protective cartilage and lubricating joint fluid in the joint to help. But as we grow older, the cartilage becomes rougher and joint fluid decreases. When the knee joint over works with much rubbing, it will irritates the sensory nerve under the cartilage and create pain.
Signal 2: pain at pressure; no pressure no pain .
When you press on the knee, it feels pain. This is a sign that the surface of cartilage has degenerated. The cushion effect of cartilage and protection to the patella lessen at pressure, and the knee joint cries for help.
Knee joint is a pivot of the whole leg, and it quietly supports most of the body weight. Except sleeping and sitting, the knee joint, for big part of the day, is under a lot of pressure . While walking , the knee supports the weight 2 times of our body weight; climbing hill or going upstairs, the knee supports 3-4 times of our body weight. Knowing the early signs of degenerated knee joint can help you get early treatment to prevent it from worsening. Acupuncture can bring more Qi and blood to the knee area and help the joint gaining optimal condition.
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