The Risk of Fatty Organs...

"Both weight and BMI are in the normal range, how come the blood pressure is so high?" "Eating less, exercising more, and the weight has been dropping, why still difficult to lose tummy weight?" Because the fat hidden deeply in internal organs has not been resloved. This is the "invisible weight" that we cannot see with our eyes. Invisible weight shows up as protruding tummy. It hinders internal toxics from being released, slows metabolism, and increases the chance of getting high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney problems and cancers. When a person starts to gain weight, his liver is the first thing to pack up fat. Eating too much "good" foods, lacking of exercise and sedative lifestyle result in accumulation of fat and bad cholesterol in the body. The liver, our body's filter, has to metabolize more liquid, food, trash and toxics. Overtime, this filter gets built up with extra fat. Other internal organs become fatty too. Certain amount of internal fat is necessary to support, stabilize and protect internal organs. But extra fat accumulation in the abdomen burdens organs. It can push the lungs causing difficulty breathing and push the stomach causing stomach problems. Perhaps you don't look big, but when walking upstairs you feel short of breath, excessive sweating, heart pain... these are signs that internal fat has pushed on organs. According to statistics, men with protruding "beer belly" are 5 times more subjected to coronary heart diseases and 7 times more subjected to diabetes.
Fatty organs can lead to many chronic health problems: such as fatty liver, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, systemic vascular occlusion, fallopian tube jam, cancer, sexual dysfunction etc. Bigger waistline leads to shorter life span. How many of the following statements describe you?
1. don't like to exercise
2. a lot driving, little walking
3. often skipping breakfast and eating big nutritious dinner
4. often very late dinner, often eating at mid night
5. likes meat, little vegetable
6. likes sweets, a lot of sugary drinks
7. tends to only eat whatever food you like not getting all kinds of nutritions
8. very slim at young age and started to gain weight after 20
9. relatively large body and more afraid of cold weather than other people
10. normal weight but big waistline
11. eating large amount of food
12. constipated often
If you answer less than 3 yes, you're pretty healthy but still need to take care
If you answer 4-8 yes, you already have fatty organs and need to change lifestyle
If you have more than 9 yes, you belong to high risk group.
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