Chai Acupuncture
Bad Sleep and Dreams | A TCM Perspective
3 major types of dreams that cause bad sleep. A traditional Chinese perspective looking at dreams and their relation to internal organs and

Chai Acupuncture
The Health Benefits of Tea | The Big Numbers
What are the health benefits of tea?
Here are all the big numbers.
These days there are over 3 billions of people in the world who love to h

Chai Acupuncture
Moxa the Belly | Warmth and Women
Moxa the belly to keep it all time warm. The tummy temperature decides your body's age. To increase the warmth of DanTian (lower belly)Â

Chai Acupuncture
Spring | A wind-stopping acupuncture point : Feng Chi
According to the 24 divisions of the solar year in the Traditional Chinese Calendar, in 2017, Spring began Feb 3rd. The temperature has...