Chai Acupuncture
When Yang Is Deficient
The Sun is the biggest source of Yang in the nature. Think about those hidden damp areas without exposure to the sun all year around, mildew

Chai Acupuncture
Common Symptoms due to Qi and Blood Deficiency
Too many symptoms are directly or indirectly caused by Qi and blood deficiency, e.g. insomnia, constipation, diarrhea, water retention, swel

Chai Acupuncture
3 Major Causes of Diseases
When over-thinking, Qi can easily become knotted leading to either cyst or malignant tumor. Goiter, hepatic cyst, intestinal polyp, uterine

Chai Acupuncture
Health Preservation Tips for Today | Frost Descent
Frost Descent is the time to eat tonic foods. Therefore in many areas in China, people have the tradition of having lamb. Lamb has to be coo

Chai Acupuncture
How To Prevent Knee Pain
Avoid rugged and rocky roads. warm up fully. keep warm and avoid cold and damp. control body weight. eat warm foods in winter. foot bath. ac

Chai Acupuncture
Knee Pain | Early Degeneration of Knee Joint
Knowing the early signs of degenerated knee joint can help you get early treatment to prevent it from worsening. Acupuncture can bring more

Chai Acupuncture
The Risk of Fatty Organs...
Invisible weight shows up as protruding tummy. It hinders internal toxics from being released, slows metabolism, and increases the chance of

Chai Acupuncture
Before and After Acupuncture | What to Know?
Acupuncturists care more about the patient's major symptoms and his body constitution. Acupuncturists follow TCM diagnosing ways (look,

Chai Acupuncture
Wrist Pain Hand Pain Arm Pain | Prevent Mouse Hand
Using a mouse regularly involves stationary positions, and small, repetitive and exact movements of the same muscles over and over again for

Chai Acupuncture
How to nourish the lungs after the autumn sets in
Although the autumn has begun, hot summer days are not gone yet. It is a good opportunity to regulate spleen and stomach too - supplement th

Chai Acupuncture
How long after acupuncture treatment can I shower?
As to how long after a treatment one can shower, this has something to do with individual situations. Generally speaking, if only filiform a

Chai Acupuncture
Neck Pain | A Note to Those Who Bend Neck All Day
When a person starts to bend his neck, the weight the neck has to hold increases as the bending angle increases. Over time, you feel sorenes