Chai Acupuncture
The Summer Not-to-do List
Summer is the time to cultivate more yang energy. Having a good summer ensures a good peaceful winter to come.

Chai Acupuncture
Summer Diarrhea | Acupuncture for Digestion
Other than the above severe cases and you are up to more natural ways to recover instead of taking antidiarrheal or antibiotic drugs, you ca

Chai Acupuncture
Abdominal Pain, Lower Abdominal Pain, Menstrual Cramps | Acupuncture Can Help
Lower abdominal pain and general malaise during menstruation is mostly physiological. If the pain is severe, it is called "Dysmenorrhoe

Chai Acupuncture
After Sprain | Use Ice or Heat?
Sprain causes a lot of capillaries break and rapid bleeding, which results in local blood stagnation. More and more blood and exudate can

Chai Acupuncture
Sunbathing in Spring | Boost Yang Energy
After one night of sleep, older people's blood circulation has slowed down and energy doesn't quite reach the feet. After getting ou

Chai Acupuncture
Keep Regular Period in Check
It is important to keep regular period in check.
Good emotional state helps. Anger, worry, sadness can lead to blocked menstruation, reduced

Chai Acupuncture
Open Up Congested Nose
Use warm or hot towel to cover the mouth and nose area. Then use two index fingers to press on the acupuncture point Yingxiang on top of the

Chai Acupuncture
Health Preservation Ideas at the Waking of Insects | 惊蛰养生
Let's look at some health preservation ideas for today march 5th, 2018. Today marks the Waking of Insects -惊蛰节气, which is the 3rd one of...

Chai Acupuncture
Personality, Emotions and Health Problems
Frequent colds, sensitive skin, discomfort in throat, stomach ulcer, insomnia, dreamful sleep, regular headaches...some people constantly ar

Chai Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese 12 Two-hour Periods | What to Do in Each Period Ideally
1~5am: This is the time that yang energy beginning to emerge and rise. If you can't fall asleep, you may sit up on the bed, covered with

Chai Acupuncture
Keep Warm in Cold Days | Prevent Wind Cold Invasion
Wind, sweeping along coldness, can easily enter these points and cause aches, pain on neck and shoulders and other problems. Put on hat and

Chai Acupuncture
5 Elements, 5 Organs and the Expelling of Toxins
The accumulated toxins are consuming kidney energy causing fatigue, weakness, heaviness and lassitude. Chinese people eat white gourd to hel