Chai Acupuncture
Acupuncture for Aches, Pain and Stagnation
"Wherever there is stagnation, there is pain", this is a well-known Chinese saying. Have you heard of the term "Liver Qi stag
Chai Acupuncture
Who Should Get Acupuncture | Who Shouldn't
Acupuncturists' skill and style, same as chefs' vary from one to another. Acupuncture is worth trying. In the end, you choose whiche
Chai Acupuncture
How I See Toronto, As a Chinese Acupuncturist
we have a lot of cultural activities in Toronto, such as Caribbean Carnival, Asian Heritage Month... and of course we have a lot of acupunct
Chai Acupuncture
Keep Regular Period in Check
It is important to keep regular period in check.
Good emotional state helps. Anger, worry, sadness can lead to blocked menstruation, reduced
Chai Acupuncture
Weight Loss Strategy | Kidney Tonification
Weak kidney and spleen leads to lower digestive ability and slower metabolism. Food can not be well digested and discharged, and it gathers
Chai Acupuncture
Spring | A wind-stopping acupuncture point : Feng Chi
According to the 24 divisions of the solar year in the Traditional Chinese Calendar, in 2017, Spring began Feb 3rd. The temperature has...